
An invitation to present a Theraplay® workshop in Bangladesh

In 2014, I was invited by the Institute of Educational Development (IED) at BRAC University in Dhaka Bangladesh, to provide a 5 day workshop. BRAC University is one of many institutions and programs developed by this world renowned NGO, that provides opportunities to developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Recently, BRAC has received global recognition for their efforts in lending aid during the Rohingya refugee crisis. To learn more, see:

The BRAC Play Centre Project began several years ago and currently, BRAC play centres are a vital presence in refugee camps and throughout Bangladesh. The expertise of professionals in child development, worldwide, have been called upon to assist in the development of these centres which provide play-based learning and play engagement for all ages. 
I presented a workshop that featured the Theraplay® Sunshine Circles, which was very well received and has been included in the play curriculum in the BRAC play centres throughout Bangladesh, Uganda and Tanzania.

During my presentation, I was heartened to see the participants recall their own memories of childhood games and songs which they shared with such joy! I felt happy to know that they not only learned from my teaching, but were also able to recognize and newly appreciate their very own wealth of knowledge of the importance of play.

View the slideshow below of my play therapy workshop in Bangladesh. Please contact me to find out more about play therapy sessions.

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